Friday, September 16, 2022


疫苗副作用的呈報基制有一個非大的漏洞,就是必須要有醫護証明才可以。早在2021年已經有案例醫院漏報事件,當時人要打去電台、找民主黨議員幫忙,才能呈報成功,並要求容許個人自行呈報,但到今天我仍未在衞生署網站找到相關方法,仍然只有「冠 疫 苗 異 常 事 件 網 上 呈 報 (醫 護 人 員)(只提供英文版本)」,其他指引是給藥劑界。

有理由相信疫苗副作用異常個案是比實制上少很多,筆者身邊也聽到朋友接種後不適但沒有進行申訴(可能機制繁複、不設個人投訴渠道、不適度還可忍受、覺得最後會判斷為無關係……)。只要在網上隨意搜尋,如「確診肺炎自救及疫苗副作用關注組」,便看到不少接種疫苗後感到不適者的求助與徬徨,甚至看到他們表示醫生認無關聯就不獲呈報。是醫生太忙,還是其他原因不上報呢? 為什麼病人權益必須由第三方(所謂的專家) 才能得到証實? 他自身的証狀還不能成為最直接的證據嗎? 抑或我們要視這些人都是無中生有,為了不知明原因刻意抵毀疫苗? (懷疑這些人者都應提出相應動機)。

疫苗對好多人安全,但至少有一宗個案,從邏輯推理角度,這已經不能說疫苗是絕對安全,2021年有報道是《如接種科興後面癱個案增 孔繁毅:建議藥廠列為副作用》。看到衞生署都只能用字疫苗是安全,在絕對安全和安全之間可以有多少副作用的例子呢? 論述一直是疫苗效用高過風險,即是有風險啦! 但為什麼把看這些風險為是否打疫苗的因素的人要因此被懲罰?被污名化呢? 藥廠自己也有列出已知副作用,但未知的副作用不代表沒有!


人既有自由意志,為什麼在絕對、大部分、少數、可能之間不能作出自己的決定? 在呈報機制有漏洞、已知感染病毒的風險和打疫苗的風險之間,為什麼不能選擇? #教育局 無理要求12歲以上學生施加第三針, 政府把 #疫苗通行證 降至 #5歲 以違反《兒童權利公約》,粗暴剝奪兒童文化、康樂、學習、社交的生心發展權利,實在不合情(家長愛護孩子之情)、不合理(論述間經常犯邏輯謬誤、呈報機制不公),違約(聯合國《兒童權利公約》),請衞生署、政府和教育局即時收回對18歲以下人士疫苗通行症及施加疫苗措施!!!

Thursday, July 21, 2022

How I feel about studying in Finland: Freedom, Forest, Freezing


This is my speech about studying in Finland in Edu & Career Expo 2022. May you know more about Finland.😀

Good afternoon everyone. This is my honour to be here to share my experience in Finland with you. Thank you to the Finland Consulate for inviting me. They didn't pay me to do this presentation, so what I am going to say is my genuine feelings and observations about Finland, from the point of view as an alumni of Helsinki University, a reporter and an anthropologist. 

I picked three words that start with F to illustrate how I feel about Finland. 


The first one is Freedom. 

This is a picture of the National Library of Finland. Administratively speaking, this is part of Helsinki University. Yet, unlike the universities in HK, the public can visit it even they are not its student. To me, the freedom to access knowledge is highly valued in Finland. As we all know, knowledge is power and it can change your destiny. The newest library, Oodi Helsinki Central Library, is another highlight one should not miss. It is a birthday present to celebrate Finland’s 100th anniversary of its independence. Besides books, you will find co-working areas, 3D printers, sewing machines etc. Surprisingly, children do not need to turn down their volume in the library, their sound is nicely weaved into the atmosphere as planned, as the Head of library services for Helsinki explains to the media that,”we think that the noise of the children is positive, it represents the future”. How can you not admire or be impressed by the country’s vision and mission? University students have the flexibility to choose the way to complete their courses. Courses have an option called “written exam”, which means you can complete the courses by reading a few books only and taking a closed-book exam. Theoretically you can get the credits without meeting the professors. Some lecture courses allow you to earn more credits by doing assignments. To put in another words, you can actually obtain credits by only attending classes.

You can choose your date of examination, if you are dissatisfied with your result, you can take another one, with no penalty. Your report will only show your best result. You have an exceptionally long time to complete the exam, let say, 4 hours. So you have plenty of time to construct and write down your masterpieces, no need to worry if you write slowly or think slowly. To be honest, none of these reflect your understanding of the subject. For those who finish the exam quickly, you may just leave the exam room whenever you want to. Therefore, each student has sufficient time to demonstrate his understanding of the knowledge. You are studying for yourself, studying at your own pace, not to compare with others. In fact, this should be the original purpose of learning, isn't it? 

Socially, I only wanna mention one point, all the bus, metro and train fares are the same. That means you don’t need to sacrifice your valuable time for a slower but cheaper commute . The bicycle paths are well designed so you are really free to go everywhere. I think this has already solved one of the biggest concerns of students. With plenty of free time and public spaces, you are free to plan and do what you want. Everyone has an equal opportunity, or put into other word freedom to make a good life, regardless of your gender, nationality and family background. 


The second word is Forest.

We know that sustainable development is the global trend in the 21th century. According to the EPI index in 2022 (Environmental Performance Index) Finland places third. It is one of the world’s cleanest and greenest countries. Living there for sure you will learn about recycling and how to manage a green city. Forest is everywhere within walking distance. Finns' traditionally and culturally respect nature. Spending time with nature is part of their daily lives. They like walking in the forest on their own, sometimes with their family and friends. Research suggests that nature helps improve human beings’ health, both physically and psychologically. Feeling small in the face of nature makes people more humble. Trust me, in every walk with nature, you will receive far more than you seek. 


The third word is Freezing. 

Finland has a very long dark and freezing winter. I have to say, this is one of the most difficult things to get used to. The winter clothing is so heavy. The stormy weather makes you unwilling to talk when you're walking with your friends outside. It was quite a challenge to go to school when the sky was so dark as if you were departing at midnight. There were times I thought I had to prepare dinner but that was only 3 or 4 pm. I learnt how to measure the temperature, say 0,-15 or -30 degrees with the feeling of my nose. 

At the beginning you are very excited about the beautiful snowy nature. But as time went by, you started to miss the blue sky, the green trees. And you are longing so much for the sunlight. Yet, I was so grateful that my friend, Arto, who was the secretary of my department, he shared the wisdom that how the Finns survive the tough winter. He said,' winter is coming. It will not be easy, very tough, dark and freezing. However, think of the spring. Looking forward to it. This give you brave and strong wills to endure in the winter'. Although you may say, the next winter will come again after the spring. Yet, I have to say, you are already stronger and tougher after you survived the first winter. 

The environment shapes a person 's personality. Finland is a country that aims at building a just and humanized society, not only for human beings, but also see for all living creatures and nature. If you are still hesitant whether to study in Finland or not, I would rather ask you to go straight forward. Why not ? Life is an adventure, sometimes with challenges. I encourage you to go and search for your own unforgettable journey. That's all I wish to share with you . Thank you.

Wednesday, May 11, 2022




Sunday, May 08, 2022





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Friday, May 06, 2022


